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Welsh Cheesecakes

From the Liverpool School of Cookery Recipe Book (1911), apparently produced after ‘constant requests’ for a book of recipes used at the School. The book was described as being “most valuable to young housekeepers, containing recipes most needed under all conditions and circumstances of everyday life”.

Picture by Herbrm

Picture by Herbrm

      • 1 egg.
      • Its weight in sugar, butter, and flour.
      • Grated rind of half a lemon
      • A pinch of baking powder.

Sufficient for 12 Cheesecakes.

Method: Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, add flour and egg alternately, beating between each addition, then lemon rind, and lastly the baking powder.

Line patty pans with short crust, put into each a small quantity of jam, and on the top of the jam a teaspoonful of the mixture. Bake immediately in a fairly quick oven till nicely browned. Before serving, sift over with caster sugar.