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St. George’s Hall Cake

From the Liverpool School of Cookery Recipe Book (1911), apparently produced after ‘constant requests’ for a book of recipes used at the School. The book was described as being “most valuable to young housekeepers, containing recipes most needed under all conditions and circumstances of everyday life”. 

        • ¾ lb flour.
        • 2 oz. lard.
        • 2 oz. butter.
        • 6 oz.  sifted sugar
        • 2 oz. candied peel.
        • ½ lb. cleaned currants.
        • 1 teaspoonful grated ginger.
        • ½ oz. caraway seeds, if liked.
        • 1 teaspoonful baking powder.
        • 3 eggs (separated)
        • About ¼ pint of milk. 

Method: Rub the shortening into the flour, add the rest of the dried ingredients and mix well. Mix  a little milk with the yolks of eggs and stir in, add more milk gradually till the mixture, though stiff, is moist enough to be beaten. Give a quick, vigorous beating, then mix in very lightly the frothed whites. Bake in a moderate oven about 2 hours.